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Perils of pet poop – so much more than just unsightly and smelly, it can spread disease

Have you ever been out on a walk and as you take that next step, you feel the slippery squish of poop under your foot?

It’s not just gross. Beyond the mess and the smell, it’s potentially infectious. That’s why signs reminding pet owners to “curb your dog” and scoop their poop have been joined in some places by posted warnings that pet waste can spread disease.

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Good Neighbor Guidelines for Dog Owners

With spring weather upon us, residents are increasingly heading out for walks and activities in our beautiful parks and neighborhoods. While dog owners have every right to enjoy the community with their canine friends, it’s important to be respectful of others for everyone’s safety and enjoyment. Being a responsible dog owner is not only the right thing to be out of respect for others around you who are trying to enjoy the community’s public spaces, but to ensure your pet’s safety and avoid any personal liability from a dog bite or car accident should you lose control of your dog.

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Is It OK to Toss Dog Poop Bags Into Other People’s Trash Cans?

I  come from a city where there are trash cans at every bus stop and every block on main streets and it’s easy and convenient to toss bagged dog poop. I recently moved to a more suburban but still metropolitan city where there are trash cans at every other bus stop and no public cans at intersections. When walking my dogs, I will occasionally throw bagged poop into other people’s curbside garbage canisters when it’s trash day and I see their bin hasn’t been emptied yet.

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